Oops ! We couldn't find any kins in your province. You can look at the Canada-wide directory of affiliated kinesiologists to find one in another province.
First Name | Last Name | City | Work Email |
Yajna | Ramgoolam | Antigonish | yajna_ra@hotmail.com |
Xinran | Hu | Winnipeg | 1242874885@gamil.com |
Tyler | Baker | Donagh | tpbaker@upei.ca |
Ty | Kennific | Cornwall | tkennific@cbihealth.ca |
Travis | Saunders | Charlottetown | trsaunders@upei.ca |
Tirene | Padget | Halifax | tirenepadget@gmail.com |
THUY | LU | Winnipeg | minhthuylu90@gmail.com |
Test Membership | Membership | Ottawa | |
Tanya | Wood | Lake Killarney | tanya.wood@lifemark.ca |
Spencer | Boyd | Dartmouth | spencerboydfitness@gmail.com |